HackZurich 2019: Projekt «Turi»

HackZurich 2019: Projekt «Turi»


Public e-bike and scooter services like PubliBike, Tier and Lime in Zurich provide sustainable transportation solution to the open public. They have become increasingly popular and thousands of people use these services to commute in their day to day life. They can conveniently be picked up and parked at any location. But this has also caused an inconvenience for the city. Most bikes end up getting parked at the same locations like train stations, while other get parked at remote areas. At the end of the day, these e-bikes and scooters need to be manually redistributed to specific locations, which requires great human effort. We want to solve this problem by leveraging tourists. We propose a mobile travel planning app for tourists, that takes them to interesting places around the city while having them make take these e-bikes from higher-density locations to lower density locations balancing the distribution of e-bikes and scooters around the city.

What it does

Turi is a mobile application that is aimed at tourists, providing tailored city trips from any starting point. The tourist simply chooses the duration of the trip which could range from a few hours to an entire day. We then plan a multi-step tour through the city, making use of these e-bikes and scooters to commute.

Zur Website